Therapeutic massage is a general term that describes any type of massage modality that helps relieve pain, reduce stress, and work on a specific problem.

People tend to assume therapeutic massage means deep tissue massage, and that they will get a very strong massage. While Deep Tissue Massage is my specialty, there are many forms of massage and bodywork. My training includes Swedish (for overall relaxation), Deep Tissue (a harder pressure with focus on a specific problem area), Myofacial Release, Cupping, & Gua Sha (all 3 are alternative forms of bodywork focused on breaking up adhesions (scar tissue/knots) in your facia (connective tissue) for long term results), Pre and Post-Natal Massage, Active Release, Trigger Point and Reflexology.

I graduated from the Baltimore School of Massage in Baltimore, MD in 2000 where I was state licensed and nationally certified. I have since been certified in CA (Cert # 74417) by the CAMTC (California Association for Massage Therapy Certification). I have been practicing massage therapy for over 20 years & enjoy pouring love and healing energy through me ... to you.

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