““The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ”
The past 25 years I’ve worked in a few different capacities helping others. Personal and professional growth is a core value of mine, therefore I’ve been very deliberate in the type of work and organizations I’ve chosen to be involved with. I’ve been working part-time as a Massage Therapist for 23 years, helping others cope with physical pain, achieve athletic goals, as well as maintain balance and flexibility. During this time I was also able to build a 18 year professional career focused on Sales Coaching, Customer Service Management, and Operations Management. Sylvan Learning Center and Quantum Learning Network are two companies I had the pleasure of working with for 17 of my 18 “corporate career” years.
My natural passion for personal growth while helping others reach their best potential, along with a personal battle and diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, has lead me to move away from working in a corporate setting and begin working with individuals to help them transition through difficult periods in their life with greater ease and success. Everyone has challenges in life although we are not on this planet to “go it alone”. I’ve had a few coaches and mentors throughout my adult life that made the biggest impact on me. I do not believe I would have been able to accomplish many of the things I consider successes if I didn’t have those who helped me see the best in myself and who helped me identify what I wanted and how to manifest it! Someone to help us sort through confusion and develop clear actionable daily steps is sometimes all it takes to get unstuck and be able to keep moving forward.