“The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating!”

~ Eric Micha’el Leventhal


Benefits of Life Coaching

Gaining Clarity About What You Want

Becoming clear on your beliefs, goals, challenges, and desires is the first step. Without a full understanding of what we really want and clearly defined steps to accomplish it, many struggle with following through and creating any lasting change. A coach’s role is to help you get clear on what you want, identify small but consistent steps you can take to keep moving forward, and be your accountability parter; someone to celebrate your wins and encourage you to stay the course when challenges surface.

Change Self-Limiting Beliefs

Did you know that our beliefs about ourselves, how to interact in the world, and whether we can be successful, are all “managed” by our subconscious, which was formed by the age of seven? And because our actions are determined by our subconscious thinking 95% of every day, it’s no wonder we often find ourselves “attracting” the exact opposite of what we desire. It IS possible to reprogram the subconscious mind with consistent positive repetition of new habits, thoughts, self-talk, and action.

Overcome Obstacles, Fear, and Insecurities

Many people run from fears and try to avoid change at all costs. Living inside our comfort zones keeps us right where we are, even if it’s not a healthy place. By choosing to work with a trusted person as your guide, you will work through fears, overcome obstacles, and increase self confidence, thereby creating positive changes in your life.

Consistent Daily Steps Forward

You may have heard that it takes 30 days to form a habit; that is ONE habit. So tackling ONE negative thought pattern or habit at a time could take a life-time. Thankfully, there is a faster way! A coach can quickly help you identify what you want to accomplish along with specific action steps that will support you as you make changes in all areas of your life. Co-creating a new “tape” or “story”, listened to daily, is a very effective way to reprogram negative subconscious, self- sabotaging thoughts with those that are in alignment with your goals.

Realize Possibilities for Your Life

Situations in life are not permanent. We DO have control over our own life, the quality of our relationships, and whether or not we achieve our desires. With a coach, you have someone to help you dig deep in identifying what has been holding you back and to help you discover for yourself the possibilities that are available and how to accomplish them.

Create a Plan to Reach Your Goals Faster

“Without a plan, you plan to fail” is a statement I have heard often. Having a plan and taking daily action is critical to accomplishing goals. When you identify your goals, prioritize, and come up with consistent efforts to keep moving forward, the speed in which you accomplish things is absolutely amazing!

Someone to Hold You Accountable

If you are anything like I used to be, you may have a more difficult time accomplishing your “want to do’s” vs. your “must do’s”. I also had a bad habit of making the wants and needs of others more important than my own. Neglecting ourselves is much harder when we have a coach to check in with, and who checks in with us. This is incredibly helpful to ensure we follow through on what’s important for our own growth, well-being, and satisfaction in life. It can be difficult to find people in our lives who can honestly hold us accountable and keep us motivated throughout this process.

This is my responsibility as your coach.