From Surviving to Thriving with Fibromyalgia

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it is possible to not just survive life with Fibromyalgia … but thrive!

After having found a protocol (supplements, nutrition & diet, sleep, and physical activity) that has allowed me to come out of my “Fibro-Fog”, Deep Depression, and Chronic Pain, I am dedicated to helping those that are still struggling. It took years and years of struggling, trying different approaches, medications, diets, doctors, etc… just to even find out what was wrong with me. Then once I knew … another year of trying to implement changes so I could maybe have a couple of “ok” hours of my day. It’s extremely difficult to implement change when you don’t have road map and when you are so tired and in pain that you can’t think long enough to “figure one out”.

I want to be your guide. I want to give you a map. I want to show which step to take, one at a time, yet consistently … so you starting feeling noticeable and daily improvements. You are NOT alone, although with Fibro we can certainly FEEL alone! Having a guide, someone who has been through it and found a way to live life with a roughly 85% reduction in ALL fibro symptoms, will give you the confidence that you are taking the right steps on your journey. Once you are “over the hump” you will be able to maintain the routine on your own.

Below you’ll find the details of what I offer:

Coaching Components:

  1. Exploration/Goal Discovery (90 minutes with client participation)

  2. Vision Statement Creation (60-90 minutes completed by Ruth)

  3. Deliver Vision Statement (30-45 minutes, delivered by phone, video or in-person). An audio recording file sent to the client afterward for daily use the following 30 days

  4. Ongoing Coaching/Accountability

    1. One session per week (60 minutes)

    2. Available in 10, 15, or 20 hour packages

  5. Fibromyalgia Reversal Protocol Guidance

    1. (*based on dietary suggestions from Anthony William (aka: the Medical Medium), R. Paul St. Amand, Author of “What Your Dr. May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia”, and Stephanie Tourles, Author of “Raw Energy”, and many more)

Deliverable Components:

  1. Food & Symptom Journal (7 page PDF document to be reprinted as needed)

  2. First 60 Day Meal Plan (PDF)

    1. Day 1-60 (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks)

    2. Weekly Shopping Lists

  3. "Cleans to Heal" (physical copy of this book mailed to you)

  4. Access to the private FB group with on-going resources and a weekly FB Live Discussion and Q&A session

Add On Options:

  1. Massage 

    1. weekly (one 90-minute session per week)

    2. bi-weekly (one 90-minute session every other week)

    3. monthly (one 90-minute session every month)

  2. Meal Prep (North SD County Locals Only)

    1. Three "dishes" and 2 snacks / week (4 total days of meals), 

    2. Six "dishes" and 5 snacks / week (7 total days of meals)


  • 10 Hour Coaching Packages: $1,400 ($10/session savings)

  • 15 Hour Coaching Packages: $1,950 ($20/session savings)

  • 20 Hour Coaching Packages: $2,400 ($30/session savings)

  • Massage Add on:

    • Weekly: $400 (4/mo)

    • Bi-Weekly: $220 (2/mo)

    • Monthly: $130 (1/mo)

  • Food Prep Add on:

    • 3 "dishes" and 2 snacks / week (4 days of meals): $150

    • 6 "dishes" and 5 snacks / week (7 days of meals) $250

      • Clients purchase their own grocery items for meals prepared by me