The Truth is … 95% of our lives are directed by our subconscious!
There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” approach to life. Our challenges, though they may appear similar on the surface, are caused by different subconscious thoughts and beliefs firmly imprinted on our brains by the young age of 7. We are actually operating from our subconscious mind, on average, 95% of every day. Yikes!
The good news is that we don’t have to go about the rest of our lives on autopilot, self-sabotaging, or “playing small”.
It is possible to effectively replace these negative subconscious thoughts and beliefs with positive ones.
By asking meaningful questions and actively and compassionately listening, together we can eliminate the doubt and confusion of what has been keeping you stuck. We will reprogram your subconscious so your “new normal” will be in alignment with your goals and desires.
With House of Truth, you will find a few different avenues of recovery and healing; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.